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GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, continuous integration and wikis for every project.

Code Review
Review new code, see visual code changes, and confidently merge code changes with automated status checks.

Protected Branches
Enforce restrictions on how code branches are merged, including requiring reviews, or allowing only specific contributors to work on a particular branch.

Multiple Reviewers
Request review from multiple contributors. Requested reviewers will be notified that you've asked for their review.

Public Repositories
Work with any GitHub member on code in a public repository you control. Make changes, open a pull request, create an issue, and more.



GitHub, Inc. (Microsoft Corporation Subsidiary)



United States

Virginia Beach, VA

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